Fiona Apple pledges 2 years of ‘Criminal’ royalties to help aid border detainees

Fiona Apple has pledged to donate two years of royalties from her 1996 hit single “Criminal” to aid border detainees. Likewise, any 2019 and 2020 television or movie placement earnings from “Criminal” — Apple’s most requested song, with regard to usage rights — will be donated to the While They Wait fund.

The While They Wait fund is a joint effort created by Brooklyn Defender Services, the ACLU and The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES). The organization’s goal is to raise money to legally assist immigrants seeking asylum.

“After months and months of reading the news about how my country is treating refugees, I’ve become gutted with frustration trying to figure out the best way to help,” Apple said on Tumblr. “It seems to me that the best way I can help detainees is to contribute to payment of their legal fees.”

“What they need is representation and guidance because these people are being prosecuted as criminals just for asking for asylum,” added the singer-songwriter. “When they are separated from their children they need help navigating the system. They need to be bailed out of prison. They need money to pay for the ankle bracelets they are forced to rent and wear while awaiting arraignment, for crying out loud.”

Apple went on to urge other artists to donate to While They Wait or another organization of their choosing. “I encourage anyone who wants to join with me to get involved (to) watch the short film on their site.”